Coding Journey

Posted by Sim Greenbaum on January 23, 2019

Well I am not sure where to start but here it goes ;

As a kid, I was always very technical, I loved to fix pc software and hardware issues. I remember taking apart a computer, putting it back together and being able to install Windows 3.1 for the first time (some small upgrades were needed) computers have come a long way since those days but I think there are some fundamental concepts at its core (no pun intended) that have not changed!

In my professional life for the past two years, I have been an executive director of a local school. My responsibility was office management with a focus on finances. Given my accountability to not only manage the finances but I was also primarily responsible for coordinating all office functions and logistics, causing over 100 percent growth at our fundraising events.I was on my way to becoming a full CPA and enrolled in a master’s program. At the last moment, I had a change of heart and decided to start learning more about computer programing and have been enjoying it ever since. (It can get frustrating sometimes but when you finally figure it out,that one issue the sense of good feeling is so hard to explain.)

The reason why I decided on a boot camp over the traditional C.S. 4yr degree is that from my research the boot-camp has much more to offer. Most graduates are better at solving real life problems,working as a team, having more up to date knowledge in the tech world but most importantly students learn how to learn . Most graduates were able to quickly grasp new languages whatever environment they found themselves. Essentially teaching a student how to learn!

Programming languages are not just magic, but programmers have taught the program how to behave and how to “think”. To have the understanding that ruby methods just happen is a great miss representation of the truth. I have found that many self-taught people tend to overlook this point as they just learn that it works but not how it works. I feel that Flatiron makes sure we truly understand what is under the hood and how higher level methods really work etc. This technique not just teaches us how a method works but actually gives us major learning abilities and problem-solving skills to become future software developers!

Signing off!!
