Tips to stay motivated in tech.

Posted by Sim Greenbaum on July 25, 2019

We as dev’s will all go thru some or all of the following reactions frustration ,going mad that you program broken ,Imposter syndrome and anxiety.

These are perfectly normal and kind of expected almost to say if you didn’t have at least one of these in your career you are not truly learning . So I think the first step is to accept that it is perfectly normal and ok to have these issues. If you deny that you have them or just have a general feeling like your not worth it will destroy your coding ability and maybe even affect you as a person. Now that we’ve come to terms with the fact that these burn out are normal what do we do about it?

For starters once it has already hit you , stop yes stop , think back to 3 months ago. What were you able to do or know? It is probably half of what you know now , see the positive and how much you have accomplished in a short period of time.In addition talk it over with friends you will hear how they dealt with it.

Long term stratiges

Have you had a bug that you can’t figure out what your doing wrong or you can’t get a test to pass?

I use this control flow

  • Walk away from your desk and have a coffee .
  • Walk around the block or in an office run up and down a flight of stairs.
  • Try again !
  • Still stuck ,ask a colleague don’t be too bashful.

In addition it is a must that you are physically active or go to a gym. We sit in front of a desk all day and the only part of our body that moves is our fingers so we need to get that workout ,it will give you more physical strength but even more importantly it will help build up your mental and emotional health. One last note it is essential that have a hobby or outlet not in front of a pc this will keep your body and mind sharp as a nail.

Coding can be fun and frustrating at the same time , welcome to be being a true developer, the frustration is our minds trying to learn and retain a new concept and the fun comes from seeing how much we can do with programming. Do not let the frustration kill that love and passion you have for coding !! As you move along hopefully there will be less frustration Good luck .**

All the best,
