Top tips for starting your rails project.

Posted by Sim Greenbaum on April 12, 2019

Rails project

The best piece of advice I can give before you start building a project or a Rails app is to sit down with a pen and paper(yes paper ) and draw out a basic structure of you project.

  1. What DB tables will I need, is there a join table ?
  2. What attributes will each model have?
  3. Which routes do I know I need(we can always change this later)
  4. Try to think of the control flow to the best of your ability at this early stage.

Now let’s start coding since we want to host this app on Heroku we are going to use a different DB Postgresql ,not the standard Sqlite3 ;make sure it is installed on your system. The major diffrence is that Sqlite3 the data is included inside your app files while Postgresql lives on your pc.

For Windows to get it working follow these steps click here

To start your rails app enter rails new with this additional flag rails new my-app --database=postgresql

Next go into your config/database.yml and add this

host: localhost

user: your-postgres-username

password: your-postgres-usernames-password

Then back to our terminal and run this.

rake db:create rake db:migrate

You will most probally get an error at this point, just login into Pgadmin on your PC and refresh the db it should connect correctly.

Rails s

If all went well ,it should boot the server correctly, now that we have our basic app running which hopefully has no errors.** If you have errors fix them first before you continue and make you code more complex.** In my opinion the next step is to add all the gems to the gem file we think we will need (dont forget to run bundle install)

gem 'pry' gem 'devise'

Then the next logical step is to set up our user table with devise the hardest part is done for us so just run these commands

rails generate devise:install rails generate devise USER rails db:migrate rails g devise:views

Now that we have our user table running , we need to think which rails generator we going to use see this will be helpfull . Keep in mind to only run what you need we dont want our code base to have extra files we dont need which can cause unwanted bugs and perfomance issues.

Some other few improtant points when creating a rails app is to understand the control flow and how the user will interact with the app(what links to they need for the routes ). In addition don’t be tempted to style the app in the begining as you may want to show it off, first build the** logic and functionality **with the basic fetures then have fun.

Signing off,

