My Coding Journey

Coding Journey

Clean Code

As software developers, we are always trying to solve a problem whether it is a task that we have always been doing manually and want to be automated or a feature we want to add. The first thing we need to do is to think, then again think. Why? I know how to do it already.


We are always reading in the new about security breach by some group of hackers and it seems like a never-ending battle between the white hats and the blackhats. That being said all developers must be secutriy-minded and secure our app and not blame the users.

Problem Solving Techniques

As coders, we are always building projects or automating tasks that we as humans do. However many of these tasks we do as 2nd nature and don’t even think or realize how many different steps it takes but computers are really dumb they are only as smart as we teach them to be. Problem-solving is to take a complex problem and break it down into small piece they try to solve it bite-size pieces.

Fetching from a Server

There is a common question among developers when they are building a new web app and retrieving from an API how should we fetch? If we are calling an external API do we pull data on the backend or front-end. To explain it on a little deeper level.

Securing a Rails App

We all love to build apps that are not just static websites but those that are interactive which is great from a user experience. However this leads to some security issues as we have created a window into our systems(codebase) which potentially could suffer an attack like just to name a few XSS or SQL injection.

From Rails docs