My Coding Journey

Coding Journey

Tips to stay motivated in tech.

We as dev’s will all go thru some or all of the following reactions frustration ,going mad that you program broken ,Imposter syndrome and anxiety.

Async JavaScript

What is Async javascript ? Why do we need it ? How will it affect us coding?

Final project

The best advice I can give for anyone building a full web app – full front-end and back-end project.


When i first started JS I was so confused that there are too many differences between ruby and JS, but i learnt to embrace the new challenge and to see the power in JS. With all new coding challenges our attitude has to be to one of embracing it with a passion to learn.

Learning JavaScprit

I started my coding journey learning Ruby first ,which got me used to a few things. Now that I switched to learning JS there is an adjustment period of getting used to a new language, One of the reasons I chose to learn at Flatiron, is they teach two programing languages.In my opinion the hardest hill to climb over of any coding journey is when you learn you second language. Your head starts to spin and you get really confused but this is only temporary and it only makes sense to do this with the help of your instructor and a great community!