My Coding Journey

Coding Journey

Top tips for starting your rails project.

Rails project


As we know reading for children is great as it helps them with their cognitive development to develop their language, physical, social, and emotional skills.At a certain age we encourage these young minds to start reading on their own. How can we insure that the books they read and the concepts they are exsposed to are appropriate for that child? We know children develop at different rates and may be scared or not understand certain concepts. I developed this app so as a community we could build a resource of books and if they are appropriate (with some comments)

WSL -Windows Subsystem for Linux

Update!! WSL 2.0 has come out and it allows users to run WSL1 and WSL 2 at the same time.Lets see how it works see more

CLI Project

Remember success is never owned it is only rented and rent is due every day!!

Coding Journey

Well I am not sure where to start but here it goes ;